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Doing Business with Neighborhood

What We Expect from Our Suppliers

Fostering A Good Business Relationship

We value our suppliers! We want to ensure a good working relationship with you, and we ask that our suppliers follow these tips and guidelines.

Neighborhood Healthcare’s expectations from our Suppliers:

  • Dependable products and services
  • Delivery as promised
  • Competitive prices
  • Timely and appropriate communication (keeping us informed)
  • Timely resolution of performance/delivery issues
  • Compliance with purchasing, shipping, and invoicing procedures

What Suppliers Can Expect from Neighborhood Healthcare

Neighborhood Healthcare uses Coupa as our procure to pay software. With Coupa, suppliers can track invoices and payments in real-time within the Coupa Supplier Portal which is free of cost when doing business with Neighborhood Healthcare. Neighborhood Healthcare is committed to providing suppliers with fair and equal opportunities to compete for business.

Before goods or services can be acquired, a Supplier must be properly vetted and set up by the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Department. The onboarding process will be completed online through our spend management system, Coupa.
If a supplier is interested in becoming part of Neighborhood Healthcare’s approved supplier list, they can contact for further information.

Required Onboarding Documents

All of the required documents will need to be uploaded through Coupa during the onboarding process.

Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) Support

  • CSP Guide- Onboarding Steps Download
  • CSP Guide- Login and Home Page Overview Download
  • CSP Guide- Invoice Creation- PO Backed vs Non- PO Backed Download
  • CSP Guide- Look Up Payments & Retrieve DGC Download
  • Coupa Supplier Portal Sign Up Now!

CSP Troubleshooting 

Where do I send invoices?

Preferred, Fastest, and most Efficient Option: Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) CSP is a web-based platform where you can log in to view POs as well as create and send your invoices electronically. You will be able to create invoices directly from your POs or from scratch by entering and attaching all relevant invoice information. This option allows you to track the status of your POs, invoices, and payments. The best part is that it is completely free to use when doing business with Neighborhood Healthcare.
To use this option, please send an email to with the email address where you would like to receive your CSP log in instructions.

How do I sign up for the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP)?
Instructions can be found in the New Supplier Information section.

How do I update my remit to information?
Remit to information can be updated under your Setup > Remit To section. You will be able to update any banking changes and/or the address listed on your digital check.

Who do I contact for questions regarding a contract/agreement?
All questions regarding contracts/agreements can be sent to:

How do I obtain a copy of my Purchase Order or revised Purchase Order?
A copy of your Purchase Order can be obtained through the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP). If you do not have access to the Coupa Supplier Portal, please reach out to to find out how to get started with the portal and sign up.

How to Contact Us:

Neighborhood Healthcare Accounts Payable Department’s primary focus is to provide excellent customer service. Processing payments timely and accurately is our number one priority.

When doing business with Neighborhood Healthcare, you will have access to submit electronic invoices directly within the Coupa Supplier Portal. You will be able to view the status of payments in real time and get automatic notifications when payments are processed. If you have any concerns regarding invoicing or payment status, you will have access to quick how-to guides within the portal or you can contact for assistance.

What we do:
Accounts Payable is responsible for processing and distributing payments for Neighborhood Healthcare’s business-related goods and services.

  • Ensures expenditure compliance with policies/procedures set forth by Neighborhood Healthcare.
  • Issue timely invoice payments to suppliers.
  • Work with our suppliers to ensure invoices are being received appropriately.
  • Issue 1099s yearly and ensure they are printed and mailed.

How to Contact Us:

The Contracts Department’s mission is to provide support and assist Neighborhood Healthcare’s employees with the facilitation of the contract process.

The Contracts Department is responsible for:

  • Ensuring agreements comply with Federal and State law, and Neighborhood Healthcare’s policies pertaining to fiscal management of contracts and agreements.
  • Determining whether Neighborhood Healthcare can comply with all provisions of contracts or agreements entered with outside companies or agencies.
  • Ensuring the business interests of Neighborhood Healthcare are protected in the terms of all proposed agreements.

The Contracts Department reviews all agreements with Neighborhood Healthcare’s suppliers.

Please note that all Contract signatures are coordinated by and subject to the signature approval policy of the Contracts Department.

How to Contact Us:


Our Purchasing Department is committed to facilitating the purchase of high-quality goods and services at competitive prices in support of Neighborhood Healthcare’s mission.


Customer Service: We strive to be a trusted source of procurement resources, education, and information or suppliers and to create relationships where Procurement Services are valued as a partner by all Neighborhood Healthcare Departments in reaching their purchasing goals.

Diversity: We actively participate in and initiate outreach initiatives to engage and build a diversified supplier base.

Financial Stewardship: We are committed to excellent financial stewardship and fiscal responsibility for Neighborhood Healthcare with all funds entrusted to us for expenditure.

What We Do?

The Purchasing Department handles Neighborhood Healthcare’s purchasing, bidding, supplier management, and equipment/furniture needs for all our Health Centers/Departments.

Purchasing strives to do the following

  1. Save Neighborhood Healthcare money in order to continue to provide quality care to all, regardless of situation or circumstance.
  2. Procure the right goods or services, at the right time, the right way, and at the right price.

Code of Conduct and Compliance Policy
This document provides guidelines on ethical conduct and compliance for employees, board members, and stakeholders.
Download the Code of Conduct and Compliance Policy (PDF)

Supplier Statement of Purpose and Conflict of Interest Disclosure
This document outlines expectations for current and potential suppliers, including the disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest.
Download the Supplier Statement of Purpose (PDF)

PO Terms and Conditions
