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Christie Le Khol, MD
+ Neighborhood Clinician Detail

Christie Le Khol, MD

MD |

St. George's University

Dr. Christie Khol enjoys spending time with family and friends and going on spontaneous adventures. She loves to travel, explore new cities, try new places, and engage in outdoor activities such as snowboarding, camping, and hiking. Dr. Khol gets creative at home with sewing or arts and crafts and loves cozy nights.

Neighborhood Asistencia Sanitaria Riverside - Centro de Salud Familiar Arlanza
+ Neighborhood Ubicaciones

Centro de Salud Familiar Arlanza de Riverside.


8856 Arlington Ave, Riverside, CA 92503

Cómo llegar


Lunes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Martes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Miércoles | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Jueves | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Viernes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)

