Dr. Sheetal Luthra enjoys hiking, weight lifting, yoga, and reading. She also loves traveling with her family, especially culturally immersive experiences. Dr. Luthra values connecting with families and finds great joy in witnessing the developmental changes from infancy through the teenage years.
+ Neighborhood Ubicaciones
Lunes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Martes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Miércoles | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Jueves | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Viernes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
+ Neighborhood Ubicaciones
Centro de Salud Familiar Arlanza de Riverside.
Lunes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Martes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Miércoles | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Jueves | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)
Viernes | 8h-17h (cerrado 12h-13h)