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Know what to expect, Year 12-18

Know what to expect! Year 12-18

Pediatric Anticipatory Guidance

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  • Teens want independence.
  • Help them make good choices with friends and activities.
  • Encourage their interests in school, sports, and hobbies.
  • Talk with them about what they want to do after high school.


  • Teens need 2 meningitis shots at 16 years.
  • Teens need flu and COVID vaccines in the fall.


  • Limit junk food and fast food.
  • Offer fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
  •  Try for 5 vegetables or fruits every day.
  • Give foods that taste and feel different. It may take 12 tries before a teen likes a new food.
    Keep offering healthy foods!
  •  Let teens eat when they’re hungry and stop when they’re not hungry.
  • Offer mainly water to drink.
  •  Teens should have 2-3 servings of calcium-rich milk or food every day.
  •  Limit juice, soda, and other sweet drinks.


  • Brush teeth twice a day.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste.
  • See the dentist every 6 months.


  • Have a sports physical before starting.
  • Exercise at least 1 hour every day. Do something fun!
  • Wear a helmet and pads for biking, skateboarding, scootering, horseback riding, or skiing.
  • Teens might need safety glasses and mouth guards too.



  • Keep the bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.
  •  Have a regular, ½ hour, bedtime routine.
  •  Keep bedtimes and wakeup times the same every day.
  •  Use sunlight to help wake up in the morning.
  •  Keep a regular schedule of meals, exercise, snacks, and sleep every day.


  • If you need help, go to
    You can get help with food, housing, medicine, and other things.

Seat belts

  • Make sure your teen always wears a seat belt.
  •  Never drive or ride with alcohol or drugs.
  • Give your teen a phone number to call for a safe ride.


  • Keep vitamins, medicines, cleaners, and other dangerous stuff locked away.
  • Keep the Poison Control Center number (1-800-222-1222) handy.


  • Do not use or be around tobacco, e-cigarettes, vapes, Juuls, or other smoke.
  • Call 1-800-NO-BUTTS and visit for free help.


  •  Set the home water temperature to 120F or less to prevent burns.
  • Watch teens closely when they swim.
  • Fence swimming pools on all sides.
  • Check smoke detectors twice a year and replace batteries.
  •  Keep volumes low, especially in ear buds. Limit the time in noisy areas.


  • Protect your teen from the sun with long sleeves and long pants.
  • Put on sunglasses and a hat.
  •  Re-apply sunscreen every 2 hours. If swimming or sweating, re-apply every 1 hour.
  • Limit time in the sun between 10am and 4pm.


  • Being at school every day is important.
  • Talk with the doctor if:
  • Your teen has more than 2 sick days a month
  •  Your teen needs to take medicine at school
  •  Your teen has trouble paying attention or sitting still
  •  Talk with the school if:
  •  It’s hard for your teen to learn
  • Your teen needs a special plan to learn


  • Protect your teen from the sun with long sleeves and long pants.
  • Put on sunglasses and a hat.
  • Re-apply sunscreen every 2 hours. If swimming or sweating, re-apply every 1 hour.
  • Limit time in the sun between 10am and 4pm.


  • Report bullying—online or in person—to a teacher, counselor, principal, or coach.
  •  Go to for more help.

Mental Health

  • Good apps for mental health are Calm, Headspace, Mindshift, Smiling Mind, and Panic Relief.
  • For mental health crises, call or text 988 for help.
  • For thoughts of hurting self or others, call 911 or go to the ER.


  • Firearms at home should be unloaded and locked.
  • Ammunition should be locked separately.
  • If anyone at home has depression or mental illness, keep firearms at a different location.