Research Areas
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Cardiovascular Health
- Obesity
- Childhood Obesity
- COVID Prevention/Treatment
By The Numbers 2024
- Began operation in Julio, 2021
- 12 Active Trials
- 1 Contracted Trial
- 6 Completed Trials
- Enrolled 70 participants in sponsor-led trials
- Enrolled 511 participants in a COVID KnowMore UCSD study
We prioritize ensuring that our racially diverse patients are represented in clinical trials and have access to the latest treatments. This commitment is crucial as it helps to address the disparity in clinical research participation and ensures that the benefits of medical advancements are available to all segments of our community.
In 2020, minority groups made up 35% of the population, yet they represented less than 20% of clinical trial enrollees. Community Health Centers (CHCs) play a vital role in bridging this gap, as they serve 1 in 11 Americans, with 64% of CHC patients coming from racial and/or ethnic minority groups.
Mon | 8am-5pm (Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
Tue | 8am-5pm (Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
Wed | 8am-5pm (Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
Thu | 8am-5pm (Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
Fri | 8am-5pm (Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
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Busca cerca de ti proveedores expertos en medicina, odontología y salud mental que se preocupen por ti.
Más informaciónUbicaciones
Obtenga direcciones y consulte los horarios de los centros de salud situados en los condados de San Diego y Riverside.
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