Neighborhood Healthcare’s security team patrol our facilities to protect our patients, staff, and community members as well as to coordinate traffic flow. They are first on the scene of a facility before calling the police. Having clear, crisp communication between our security staff is critical.
Thank you so much to The San Marcos Community Foundation for providing these radios! They improve our communications system company-wide. I am thrilled that we were able to make this happen.
– Doug K., Security Supervisor, Neighborhood Healthcare
The efforts of the security team not only help to ensure the general safety of our patients and staff, but they are also on the frontlines ensuring COVID-19 guidelines are met for building access and flow. The proper equipment is critical to providing the best possible security and safety measures for our community.
In addition to responding to incidents, our security staff uses these two-way radios to coordinate our many COVID testing and vaccine events, including walk-up and drive-thru formats. Our goal is to provide the best possible security and comfort for our patients and staff at all of Neighborhood Healthcare’s clinic locations.
Neighborhood’s security staff were in need of a new two-way radio system in order to communicate with one another, and with the front desk staff, both within a single Health Center Location and between the Health Centers in Escondido, CA. Our previous radios failed at distances of less than 100′, which is unacceptable for security operations. As a result, the security team often supplemented the use of radios with cellular telephones which neither offered the level of discretion nor signal stability needed.
Through the generous support of the San Marcos Community Foundation, we have provided our security guards with upgraded two-way radiosto use on their patrols so they can communicate amongst themselves to facilitate safe, efficient traffic flow and connect immediately if something goes wrong. The two-way radio system keeps lines of communication open during their patrol shifts, special events, and during incident response.
During a recent incident at one of our many Escondido locations, a security staff member was able to immediately connect with the other members of the security team for support. Using the new radios, the team was able to assess the situation and determine whether additional support was needed while keeping everyone safe and protected.
The new radios eliminate the need to supplement contact with phone calls and allow communication with all the essential individuals at once.
They offer live, secure communications that enable the team to make informed decisions and reduce the need for face-to-face meetings, cell phones, intercoms, or other less discrete means of communication
We are grateful to the San Marcos Community Foundation for their support!