With support from Believe in Reading, Neighborhood Healthcare will expand its Reach Out and Read program.
Reach Out and Read is a national literacy program that promotes early language development through reading to young children. Children age five and younger receive age-appropriate books at their wellness exams, and pediatric practitioners encourage parents to read to their child. Through Reach Out and Read, children who might not otherwise have books at home receive a new book of their own every year.

Parents learn the importance of reading to their children out loud, which increases vocabulary and language skills, and ensures children are better prepared to enter preschool and kindergarten. Reading to a child also builds curiosity, cognitive ability, and strong memory skills, even before a child learns to talk.
Thanks to the grant provided by Believe in Reading through The Steve and Loree Potash Family Foundation, Neighborhood will be able to offer even more books to our patients and families.
To learn more about Believe in Reading Click Here