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Philanthropy’s Partnerships

As beneficial as donating money to a worthwhile organization is, persuading others to do the same creates an even more significant and long-lasting impact. People like these become partners, not just supporters. Take Lori Holt Pfeiler, for instance. She learned about Neighborhood Healthcare 30 years ago while serving on the Escondido City Council, and her admiration for the organization continues today. Despite Lori’s demanding schedule as the President and CEO of the Building Industry Association of San Diego, she finds time to contribute to Neighborhood Healthcare’s philanthropic awareness efforts.

“They are passionate people. Everyone who works for Neighborhood Healthcare believes in their work to change lives,” said Lori. “I appreciate the organization’s long-standing community roots and efforts to bring the resources together to address issues like senior care.” Corrine Busta, Cox Communications Manager of Government Affairs, got introduced to Neighborhood Healthcare through her volunteer efforts at the Escondido Chamber of Commerce several years ago and quickly became a fan. “I appreciate how they carefully plan to identify the healthcare needs of the communities and then develop plans to service them. The organization sets the bar high in that area.”

As the committee chairperson for Neighborhood Healthcare’s Capital Campaign, Corrine took on this pro bono leadership role to spearhead the organization’s drive to raise $10 million for new facilities, expanded services, and broader community outreach throughout Southern California. “It just feels good to support an organization that is actively doing important work for others. For them, it’s not just a line in their mission statement,” said Corrine.

Angela Nagel became involved in Neighborhood Healthcare’s Capital Campaign after seeing how the organization intends to provide more access to care, for those who need it. As the Director of Communications and Community Engagement for the East County Economic Development Council, she sees the demand for quality, comprehensive, whole-person care for individuals regardless of their situation or circumstance. “Neighborhood Healthcare’s model of not turning anyone away speaks volumes to me,” said Angela. “I feel the warmth coming from the team. They wholeheartedly support their mission.”

As busy as Lori, Corrine, and Angela are, they willingly give their time, talent, and treasure to spread the word about Neighborhood Healthcare’s services to as many supporters as possible. While their support may differ, their impact and importance to the organization remain just as valuable. They and other philanthropy partners help further the Neighborhood Healthcare’s efforts. Their generosity pays multiple dividends and embodies the essence of “partnership.”